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New narratives towards a gender equal sociеty!

to create a database of experts and gender experts

The European Union project “DatkAiym” implemented by the NGO “Agency for Social Technologies” and the Center for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci” (Italy) is conducting a survey among gender experts and experts to create a database of experts and gender experts in order to increase interaction between journalists with them, ensure adequate representation of the expert gender perspective in the media materials and provide the public with quality information on gender issues.
After the formation of the database, communication platforms will be organized for its promotion for the Kyrgyz media and the establishment of direct contacts and interaction between the gender expert community and journalists.

It will take no more than 10 minutes to fill out the questionnaire.

The questionnaire can be filled out in Russian at the link:


The questionnaire can be filled out in the Kyrgyz language at the following link:


If you have any questions about filling in the questionnaire, please contact Baktygul Islanbekova: +996772 717 426 (tel./WA), bakulya.islanbekova@gmail.com.

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