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New narratives towards a gender equal sociеty!

Transversal National Board of the project «Hero – New narratives towards a gender equal society»

The project is implemented by the CSO «Social Technologies Agency» and the CSC Danilo Dolchi (Italy) with financial support from the European Union in the period 2019-2022. Transversal National Board of the project is an advisory body consisting of representatives of the project’s target groups. The purpose of the Transversal National Board is to ensure properly implementation of the project, taking into account national gender policy and the specifics of the local situation, and to provide feedback throughout the project activity, which will make a major contribution to the project implementation and make its impact more significant in the long term. The Transversal National Board will participate in the discussions of the main stages and products of the project addressed to the target groups.

The Transversal National Board includes representatives of the following project target groups:

  • Employees of state bodies responsible for gender issues;
  • Human rights CSO’s, NGO’s for gender issues;
  • Religious organizations;
  • Experts in the field of education;
  • Media;
  • Local government.

Form of work of the Transversal National Board:

  • Meetings (as needed, but at least 2 times a year),
  • Participation in project activities (as needed),
  • Participation in focus groups,
  • Participation in discussions via online communication tools.

The decisions of the Transversal National Board have recommendatory character and drawn up by minutes.

The composition of the Transversal National Board:

NameOrganization \ position
1Okoeva Gulmira KachkinovnaHead of the Gender Department of the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic
2Osmonova AselMinistry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, Advisor to the Minister, responsible for gender issues
3Isayeva Gulnaz KonurbayevnaState Commission for Religious Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, Deputy Director
4Kurbanova ChinaraDirector of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Okuu kitebi under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic”.
5Achikeeva CholponState Agency for Civil Service and Local Self-Government Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, responsible for gender issues
6Karybaeva ElnuraBishkek City Hall, Leading Specialist of Social Department
7Abdykerimova_NurgrulPF «Media development center», Director
8Valieva TamaraCommission’s Consideration of Complaints on the Media, Chairman
9Tyulekova TolkunAssociation of Crisis Centers in Kyrgyzstan, Chairman
10Nasyrovna AlfiaMember of the Public Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic
11Kirilenko AnnaEcological Movement «BIOM», Executive Director
12Kangeldieva GulsanaPF «House of peace», Director