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New narratives towards a gender equal sociеty!


  • MANUAL for conducting training on the methodology of anti-discrimination and gender expertise of educational and methodological complexes

    This Training Manual on the methodology of anti-discrimination and gender expertise of educational and methodological complexes (hereinafter EMC) has been developed on the basis of modern theoretical and practical materials in the field of gender equality, social diversity and tolerance. As well as on the basis of methodology and tools for conducting antidiscrimination and gender expertise of EMC, defined in the Regulation on the procedure for conducting anti-discrimination and gender expertise of EMC (approved by Order No. 1096/1 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic dated September 16, 2019)

  • Analytical review “Gender Dimension of Education in the Kyrgyz Republic”

  • Methodological Action. Framework

    The contents of this document have been developed taking into account the Standard Model developed after the Good Practice Collection and the report gathering all the target groups’ learning needs identified by focus groups with the involvement of the members of the Transversal National Board. For each of the 4 trainings foreseen by the project, the Partnership has identified: 1) objectives; 2) contents; 3) Learning Outcomes; 4) Needs to be met; 5) Methodology; 6) Evaluation approach; 7) what kind of SDGs is covered by proposed contents and if they are foreseen by national plan regarding gender equality.

  • Standard Model for Gender mainstreaming Process

    Its aim is to develop the standard model to be met in all the four sectors analyzed (media, education system, public institutions and CSOs) which will set the objectives to reach in the next phases of the project development, fixing objectives, contents, learning needs and synergies to be created.

  • Good practices collection

    The aim of the research has been to identify 16 good practices at national and international level, on the field of media, education, institution and CSOs in order to develop the Standard Model, useful to plan the trainings involving the majority of the project target. In the following pages, the results of the collection of the good practices has been gathered in the form of a report, divided in 4 sections, one per each of the field on which HERo will work in the next years. Under each section, 4 good practices have been identified: two good practices implemented in Kyrgyzstan whilts the other two are referred to the European countries, in order to identify also some lesson learned out of the Kyrgyz national context. The final result coming from the analysis of these good practices will be summarized in the Standard Model (A1.4), which will be the main “compass” of the next project development up to the 2022.