Domestic Violence Prevention Committees (DVPCs) are being implemented in all districts of Kyrgyzstan

Committees on Prevention of Domestic Violence (CPDV) are being implemented in all districts of Kyrgyzstan.
Family Violence Prevention Committees are a permanent collegial body created on a voluntary basis from representatives of government agencies, religious, non-governmental organizations and other members of the local community for interaction and interagency coordination.
The main tasks of the CNNC at the local level are:
working with citizens’ appeals (legal, psychological, informational support);
monitoring the situation (domestic violence, bride kidnapping, early marriages);
informing the population;
planning, implementation and analysis of activities.
It should be noted that earlier, with the support of international partners, pilot projects were created in 27 districts of the Republic to develop Committees for the Prevention of Domestic Violence. These projects have shown their success and effectiveness, the main task of which was the prevention and prevention of all forms of violence through the interaction of all actors.
Specifically, representatives of the committees for the prevention of domestic violence as practical work conducted informational meetings in local communities, open days with lawyers, forum theater, informal meetings with women, provided legal assistance to victims of domestic violence, and conducted referrals to state agencies and NGOs for comprehensive assistance.
Also, to raise public awareness on prevention and prevention of domestic violence, an information campaign “180 days against domestic violence” is being conducted in the Kyrgyz Republic.